Havelock School

Nga mihinui kia koutou katoa. Greetings to you all. 

The students, fellow parents, trustees and staff hope your association with Havelock School will be a rewarding and pleasant experience.

The coming years will provide many interesting opportunities for you as a parent, to play an active part in both the life of your son or daughter and the school. It is only through involving ourselves in the corporate life of the school and its activities that the school is better able to serve the community for which it was established.

Havelock School has enjoyed significant gains from the efforts of parents and the community in general over the years. The ideal environment and facilities available today reflect the great commitment and stewardship dating from 1861. We trust you will continue to be actively concerned about the quality of learning and demonstrate this by identifying yourself as closely as possible with your school.

Over the Marlborough Anniversary weekend (28 - 30 Oct) last year the wider school community from yesteryears gathered to celebrate 150 years of Sound education. A great few days were spent catching-up and reflecting on the years between leaving the school and where past pupils find themselves today. Our oldest past pupil Jessie Windleburn (100) and our youngest Harvey Brownlee (5) cut the cake to mark the occasion. Photos were taken, speeches made, toasts proposed, students performed, the updated honours board unveiled, dinner shared, a thanksgiving service attended and a totara tree planted by the Walker family next to the rimu planted by William Pickering in 2003... a huge weekend which, with other historic records from reflecting 150 years, will be published in due course. If you want a copy, contact the school so we can record your interest and contact details etc. If you'd like to nominate a past pupil for the honours board then please forward their name, degree and date conferred.

Should you have any queries then please make contact with the school on +64 3 574 2106, via [email protected] or visit www.havelock.school.nz

Calendar now hosted here... https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=2raku1nnslb4rajk7d6fs1rt3g%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Pacific/Auckland

Ka kite ano.

Noho ora mai r?.


























